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Evolve Archive Management


Is it possible to export Webform data in Evolve?

Our customer has inquired about the options for exporting Webform data once the process is completed. They would like the ability to review the data entered in the Webform at a later time if necessary. Could you please provide information and a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this?

Works with Evolve 20.x


How to Archive the Data of Completed Processes

Step 1: First of all We need to schedule ArchiveData Job to see the data of Processes which are completed.

For this you need to follow these steps

  1. Login to Evolve
  2. Go to User App for which you want archival of data
  3. Go To Calendar -> Then Click on “+” Button as shown in below screenshot


  1. Now Select Archive Data from DropDown and fill TTL value in number of days for which you want archival of data. For example , You want archival of Data for those process which were completed in last 10 days then fill TTL as 10. Minimum value of TTL is 1. See below screenshot




  1. Give date and Time at which you want to schedule this job. You can set the recurrence also by selecting below tabs like Daily/Weekly etc. For one time job Select Never tab.




  1. Click on next and then click on submit button





  1. Then you will be navigated to job page




  • Now keep on refreshing the page to see whether this job is completed or not. When this job will be completed, this job entry will be removed.


Step 2: Now Go To Administration App->Click on Archive from side navigation Panel(See below Screenshot)



  • Here you will see the list of Archrivals.



Step 3: Now to see the data , Hover on the 3 dots in Actions Column and click on download A copy


  • Open the Downloaded Copy

Now you can see the data that was filled in our forms(See Screenshot)




Note: If there are multiple views in your solution the Data is Shown of Process Completed View if set otherwise it will show data of Default View. To Set Process Complete View, Go To Form Tab in composer Solution-> Click on View-> Properties-> Select Process Completed View from Dropdown.





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