You are currently viewing In Evolve/Composer, the Activity node is not approving tasks from all users.

In Evolve/Composer, the Activity node is not approving tasks from all users.


I have a question regarding the activity workflow element. When an activity is assigned to multiple individuals based on the swimlane, if one person completes the task, the workflow still waits for all other individuals to complete the exact same task.

Is this the expected behavior, or should the activity proceed when one person from the group uses the ‘Continue’ button to complete the task?

The question pertains to scenarios where an activity is assigned to multiple individuals based on the swimlane. The anticipated behavior would be for the activity to continue after one person from the group completes the task.

We have searched for a setting that would enable this behavior but have been unable to find one.

Works with 12x;20x


The activity is functioning as intended. It is designed to wait for every approver to provide their approval before progressing to the next stage.

On the other hand, the Approval node is designed differently based on the decision selected, such as Single Decision. In this case, there is the possibility to proceed to the next stage once at least one approver has given their approval.


So if you would like to move ahead in workflow when one user out 10 users approves the Task ; it is recommended to use Approval node collectively using correct Approval Type.


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