You are currently viewing When attempting to import a substantial solution in Evolve, an error message is displayed stating: “Common message: An error occurred. Please get in touch with the administrator.”

When attempting to import a substantial solution in Evolve, an error message is displayed stating: “Common message: An error occurred. Please get in touch with the administrator.”


When importing a solution in Evolve, the following error appears: “Common message: An error occurred. Contact administrator”



Works with Evolve 20.x




Please make the following adjustment:

Open the web.config file located at C:\Program Files\Winshuttle\EvolveServer\svr.

Locate the line that reads:

<add key=”EntityCommandTimeout” value=”60″ />

Change it to:

<add key=”EntityCommandTimeout” value=”600″ />

Save the changes to the file. Afterward, restart your IIS.

Please proceed with testing again, and kindly inform us of the results.

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