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DBAPY fails LVE3777 RC AF


  • When checking the WRKDG command, the DB target is displayed as “P” for Partial Status.
  • The DBAPY process failed with ending code 0.
  • The DB apply job log does not provide any indication of why it ended.
  • The WRKMSGLOG command shows the following message: “LVE3777 – Error AF occurred when attempting to access the DG file entry definition. AF – *ALL record missing for file/member.”
  • The DBAPY process failed with LVE3777 return code “AF” after a CMPFILDTA or #FILDTA audit failure.
  • There is a file remaining in *CMPRLS status, and the message log contains the message LVE3777 with return code “AF”.
  • Simply restarting the apply process resolves the issue and it becomes active.

Actions Taken:

• The WRKMSGLOG command revealed the following sequence of events:

  1. The file encountered an error.
  2. The DBAPY apply session reached the threshold.
  3. After a delay of 3 hours, the file entry status was changed to *CMPACT.
  4. The message “LVE3777 – Error AF occurred when attempting to access the DG file entry definition. AF – *ALL record missing for file/member” appeared.
  5. The DBAPY process ended normally.

• The WRKMSGLOG displays the following messages:

 LVI371C – Apply session <a> has terminated as requested after processing 73 records. LVE3777 – An AF error occurred while attempting to access the DG file entry. LVI3728 – The status of file <libname>/<filename>, member <mbrname> has been changed to *. LVI372B – File <libname>/<filename>, member <mbrname> has been successfully repaired. LVI3723 – Processing release request for file <libname>/<filename>, member. LVE3768 – Member <mbrname> of file <libname>/<filename> for data group <dgname>. LVE3767 – A file-level error occurred for file <libname>/<filename>, member.


Additional Information
The problem appears to be the result of a file being deleted during CMPFILDTA *HLDERR catchup processing.

PCR 45316 – V5

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Install the service pack mentioned in the Additional Information section.
  2. In the meantime, use the following work-around:
    • Start the data group DB apply session normally: STRDG DGDFN(<dgname>) PRC(*DBAPY)

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